I worry for the youth of this country who have so many opportunities before them and yet don’t have no
Learn from the sled dogs
Read this great New York Times article on learn from the sled dogs especially during tough times like the pandemic

Most traveled man in Portugal
Once upon a time when people used to go out, and this is way back in Feb 2020, I met

Japan’s Abandoned Villages
Far far from the madding crowds of Tokyo and Osaka in one of Japanese main islands, Shikoku is a nearly

The Delights of Travelling with the National Geographic
One of delights of travelling with the National Geographic is access to places and people who would otherwise been off

Photographing with Christopher Rainier
Relived the joy of travelling and photographing with Christopher Rainier, National Geographic Explorer in Japan. When Chris was 20 he

TYE Summer Grand Finale 2018
Felt honoured to be invited as a Chief Guest to the TYE Summer Grand Finale 2018. Was pleasantly surprised to

Author of “Victoria & Abdul”
Enjoyed the evening listening to Shrabani Basu the author of “Victoria & Abdul” which is now a major movie. I

The city of Noto
The city of Noto in Sicily turned up out of the blue. It was almost like you were passing on

A Serendipitous Find in Palermo
What are the chances that you enter an enchanting courtyard, find the signboard of your favorite artist and get into